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  • Tax advice on real estate transactions?
  • Does your research and development project qualify for grants or tax optimisations?
  • What is the impact of changing car taxation on the overall cost of your fleet? What are the benefits of electric switching?
  • How can I withdraw funds from my company in a tax-friendly way?

Need tax advice?
Book an appointment

Recognising tax risks, optimisation opportunities and accurately assessing tax implications in strategic decisions can be crucial for the success and competitiveness of your company.

 We offer expert advice and targeted solutions tailored to your specific needs and objectives. 

Our services

  • corporation tax optimisations (advance payment of corporation tax, ...)
  • application of (increased) investment deductions
  • advice on company car taxation  
    • calculation of total fleet cost 
    • guidance on fleet electrification
    • tax optimisations
  • advice on tax-friendly withdrawal of funds from the company 
  • assistance with social liability exemption
  • patrimony tax
  • ... 

A real estate transaction has a significant tax impact. The following questions may arise: 

  • Is it more advantageous to purchase real estate privately or to do so (partly) through your company? 
  • What is the most suitable approach: buying the shares of the company in which the real estate is located (a share deal) or buying or selling the real estate itself?
  • Is it best to opt for building rights, usufruct or emphyteusis? What are the risks and concerns involved?

The Belgian government has introduced various tax breaks for companies investing in research and development (R&D) and innovation. Our experts advise you on the application of the tax benefits and provide administrative assistance where necessary.

  • advice on innovation deduction, exemption from withholding tax on earned income for employees, investment deduction, tax credit, etc. 
  • rulings on R&D benefits 
  • establishment of efficient reporting systems for applying tax benefits 
  • Submission of applications 
  • taxation of intellectual property and copyrights