Nicolas Nimmegeers
Business Lawyer

Nicolas Nimmegeers is working within the Corporate Finance team as a business lawyer. From the partnership with the law firm DNA-Law, he assists entrepreneurs in legal matters. He focuses on M&A, corporate and business law.

Nicolas Nimmegeers_cirkel

The entrepreneurial perspective is the focus of our team. My aim is to seamlessly integrate clients' business objectives into legal advice, founded on a solid legal basis. Proper and fluent communication with clients and the team play an important role in this. 

My expertise covers corporate law, acquisitions, mergers, demergers, (re)structuring and corporate governance. I also practice general corporate law and assist clients in dispute resolution and litigation.

In my free time, I practice various sports in nature. Going on adventurous trips and planning and undertaking activities with friends make me a happy person.

Previously worked on: 

  • Sales transactions of family businesses to industry peers or investment funds in various sectors, ranging from transport and shipping to equine medicine.
  • Corporate litigation for family businesses and multinationals.
  • Litigation for a prominent media concern.
  • Corporate governance and restructuring of growing companies.